SAFCOcast 12: Session Report, etc

Note: Episodes 1-14 happened before we changed to a Traveller-only show. In those episodes we discuss some other RPGs. As time went on we realized we were really a Traveller-only podcast, and in Episode 15 officially made the switch. You will find lots of Traveller talk in 1-14. Just be aware.

In this episode, Jeff and Bob discuss the length of the podcast, read some listener comments, look at the Classic Traveller rules for Cover/Concealment and the Medical skill, do a quick look at Gerry Miller Jr.’s excellet Agweedo-Girdena Traveller campaign, and do a quick discussion of our groups last Into the Void session.

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SAFCOcast 11: I won a contest!

Note: Episodes 1-14 happened before we changed to a Traveller-only show. In those episodes we discuss some other RPGs. As time went on we realized we were really a Traveller-only podcast, and in Episode 15 officially made the switch. You will find lots of Traveller talk in 1-14. Just be aware.

This is a very rare SHORT episode! Only about 11 minutes! I quickly talk about a few things that have been going on, and about winning a great contest I didn’t know I’d even entered on the Traveller RPG Headquarters group on Facebook!

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